Quarterly Report Q1 2025

As events unfold, it can be difficult to parse out what will make it into the history books and what will be consigned to the ash heap. Only with the benefit of time do things become clear and sometimes, even with the benefit of centuries, it can be ‘too early to say’.

10 mins

Quarterly Report Q4 2024

The late, great Paul Volcker, the towering former Federal Reserve chair, said in 2009 that “the ATM has been the only useful innovation in banking for the past 20 years”.  As the Investment Manager of Personal Assets Trust ‘PAT’, we agree with the sentiment that most complex investment bank products are not good for customers.

9 mins

Multi-Asset Insights – Equity

Troy’s Multi-Asset Strategy seeks to protect our investors’ capital and increase its value over the long term. 

15 mins